

Ilha localizada no Japão recicla e reutiliza 80% dos resíduos que produz

05 de janeiro, 2017

Desde 2003, os moradores de Kamikatsu, Japão, adotaram sem dúvida o programa de reciclagem mais rigoroso do mundo.

Com 34 categorias diferentes para separar seu lixo, os moradores têm cortado custos para a comunidade e melhorou drasticamente a vida selvagem circundante de sua exuberante ilha.

A cidade reutiliza ou recicla 80% do seu lixo.

Em sua taxa atual, as autoridades prevêem que chegará a zero resíduos até 2020.

Muito inspirador.

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Masaru Goto, 73, stacks up crushed aluminum cans as part of his daily chores at the waste disposal site in central Kamikatsu Town in Shikoku, Japan on July 22, 2008. The town, whose residents number just over 2,000 people, has implemented a waste recycling policy that aims at eliminating waste entirely within the next 12 years and employs retired local residents to care for the waste disposal center. Photographer: Robert Gilhooly

A container is assigned for plastic tops at the waste disposal site in central Kamikatsu Town in Shikoku, Japan on July 22, 2008. The town, whose residents number just over 2,000 people, has implemented a waste recycling policy that aims at eliminating waste entirely within the next 12 years and employs retired local residents to care for the waste disposal center. Photographer: Robert Gilhooly


Masaru Goto, 73, sweeps up as part of his daily chores at the waste disposal site in central Kamikatsu Town in Shikoku, Japan on July 22, 2008. The town, whose residents number just over 2,000 people, has implemented a waste recycling policy that aims at eliminating waste entirely within the next 12 years and employs retired local residents to care for the waste disposal center. Photographer: Robert Gilhooly

Sonae Fujii of the Zero Waste Academy in Kamikatsu stands next to containers filled with waste ready for recycling at the Hibigaya Waste Station in central KamikatsuTown in Shikoku, Japan on July 22, 2008. Photographer: Robert Gilhooly

A resident disposes of cardboard boxes at the waste disposal site in central Kamikatsu Town in Shikoku, Japan. The town, whose residents number just over 2,000 people, has implemented a waste recycling policy that aims at eliminating waste entirely within the next 12 years and employs retired local residents to care for the waste disposal center. Waste must be divided up into 34 categories. Photographer: Robert Gilhooly

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